Athlete’s foot infection is a common, contagious skin disease that often causes itching. It can cause flaking, peeling, blistering and sores.
Who gets the athlete's foot?
Foot fungus is a common condition. It is more common in people whose feet sweat a lot, who wear tight, closed, airtight shoes, and in situations where there is a lot of contact with water, or in people who do such professions and people with triggering factors such as diabetes patients. This condition, which is most common in young adult men, can also be seen in women and individuals under 12 years of age.
When can the athlete’s foot be treated?
Since the athlete’s foot is contagious, it must be treated as soon as it is detected considering the health of the patient and the people around them.
An athlete's foot, also known as Tinea pedis is an infection of the feet. The most common symptom is itchy white patches between the toes. Painful and scaly patches on the feet are also among the symptoms.
Creams, sprays, and powders are used to treat athletes' feet. As a precaution, always dry your feet after washing them, especially between the toes. Use a separate towel and wear clean, cotton socks every day.
The Athlete's Foot s caused by a group of fungi called dermatophytes, which thrive in warm and moist environments like locker rooms, swimming pools, and communal showers. The condition gets its name from the fact that it is often seen in athletes who frequently use these shared spaces.
In this article, we will talk about first, what is the athlete’s foot and how to recognize it as common causes and risk factors for the athlete’s foot. In the following part of the article, you can read about the effective treatments for the athlete’s foot and some prevention strategies to avoid the athlete’s foot.
What is The Athlete's Foot and How to Recognize It?An athlete's foot is a condition caused by fungi. The athlete's foot causes itchy, stinging, and burning skin on the feet. It is most common between the toes. Your skin may flake off and blisters may form. Dirty floors, towels, or clothes play an important role in the spread of Athlete’s feet. Foot hygiene is therefore very important to avoid Athlete’s foot.
If you've started using an anti-fungal over-the-counter product but have had no results and you have a rash that doesn't improve, see your doctor. If you have signs of infection such as swelling of the affected area, seek medical attention immediately.
Some of the symptoms of Atlete’s foot can be lined up as below:
Several types of fungi cause athlete's foot. It spreads primarily by skin-to-skin contact. Changing rooms, swimming pools, and saunas can be seen as prominent places in the spread of athletes' feet. However, it can also be spread through contact with an infected surface. You can get the disease by using the personal items of someone with an athlete's foot, such as towels, socks, or shoes. Warm, moist conditions facilitate the growth of organisms.
A weakened immune system can increase the risk of developing an athlete's foot. People with diabetes, HIV/AIDS, or those on immunosuppressive treatments are at greater risk.
Pre-existing skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis can also weaken skin protection and open the door to an athlete's foot.
Effective Treatments for The Athlete's FootIt's rare for an athlete's foot to heal on its own, but you can buy anti-fungal medications, but it can take a few weeks for them to work. Some treatment methods can be listed as follows:
You may need to try several treatments to find the one that works best for you.
Athletes' foot is commonly treated topically. Tablets are considered if topical therapy is not successful. Tablet supplementation may be a good idea if the infection is very severe.
Prevention Strategies to Avoid The Athlete's FootThere are many ways to reduce your risk of getting athlete's foot: