Penis Enlargement/Thickening

The size and the width of the penis sometimes might not be as desired and might cause problems in couples’ relationship or create depression in men. But thanks to modern medicine, there is a solution: PENIS ENLARGEMENT OPERATION.


Penis enlargement is a surgical procedure that makes your penis size appear bigger. This is including penis thickening. Male sexual health is a part of general health and is important. If you are not happy with your penis size, it is very normal to consider a penis enlargement surgery.

It is not that easy to consider a penis size “small”. If an erected penis size is less than 3 inches, about 7.5 centimeters, it is considered "small" You must have some medical reasons to think of a penis enlargement. Getting an appointment from an expert at a medical center may be a good start for a healthy decision.

In this article, we will learn about types of penis enlargement and thickening and how to choose the right option. We will also talk about how to prepare for penis enlargement and thickening. Finally, you will read about post-procedure care and recovery of penis enlargement and thickening.

Exploring Penis Enlargement and Thickening

From pills to vacuum pomps there are many offers for penis enlargement, and that may confuse. If you have tried many tools and you are not still really happy with the results, then maybe it is about time to consider a penis enlargement surgical procedure.

You can also be asked, who needs to have a penis enlargement surgery, and you are right to ask that question. 

Having a micropenis or a buried penis is a strong medical reason for considering a penis enlargement procedure. Micropenis means extremely small penis and buried penis means, a pennis hidden under your stomach, thighs, or scrotum.

People with that condition want to have a penis enlargement to do specific actions like having sexual intercourse and urinating standing up. These are important for the person to gain sexual confidence and meet some basic sanitary needs.

Types of Penis Enlargement and Thickening

There are non-surgical and surgical penis enlargement methods. Some of the nonsurgical penis enlargement methods can be lined up as below:

  • Vacuum devices
  • Jelqing
  • Pills and lotions
  • Penile extenders

Some of the surgical methods of penis enlargement are:

  • Penile augmentation: Peniel augmentation can be carried out in two different ways. In the first option, fat cells from a different part of the body are grafted onto the penis. In the second option, fat cells are injected into the penis.
  • Suspensory ligament release: In this technic, ligament that holds the penis in the pubic is removed by the surgeon. That process makes the penis appear longer.

As is possible in any other procedure, penis enlargement has some risks and potential complications. Loss of function, infection, and pain with erection are among these risks. That’s why it should be considered as the last option, the experts say. 

Choosing the Right Option 

If you have been considering penis enlargement for a long time, it should not be easy to reach a decision stage. There are questions like that to be answered: “What options are more suitable for your condition?”

Some people want to have penis enlargement surgery, just to have a bigger penis size, although their size is average. Some others need medical and psychological support as they have a micropenis or a buried penis.

Whatever the reason brings you to the point where you feel the need for penis enlargement, the best to do is to find a medical center that provides penis enlargement procedures. Talk to the surgeon there, and make them understand which option is the most suitable for your condition. 

Preparing for Penis Enlargement/Thickening

Preparing for penis enlargement/thickening is a serious job. Before any surgical procedure, you should be psychologically ready for it. Do some exercises, it will help to focus on a target and feel stronger. Your expectations should be realistic. Off course, before all, there are some questions to be answered that will tell your surgeon if you are a good candidate:

  • Are you a smoker?
  • are you circumcised?
  • Do you understand the risks of the surgery? 
  • Are you in good health for such surgery that is being done under anesthesia?
  • Have you had any pelvic procedures?
  • Do you have diabetes?

These surgical procedures are done and supported by many professionals. Pre-operation consultation is important. Talking to a psychologist might help a lot. Also, ask your urologist about surgical techniques and enhancement procedures. They will explain the procedure step by step to inform you.

Post-Procedure Care and Recovery

The recovery process of penis enlargement depends on the type of procedure you had. Your surgeon will give you some instructions to be followed. You will be back home when your surgeon decides that your health is in good condition locally and generally. At home, relax, and take the medicines you were given. To prevent some lumps on the skin, you should massage your penis regularly. During the recovery process, avoid strenuous exercises and heavy lifting.

There is a small risk of complications after penis enlargement surgery. But it is not a special condition that occurs only after penis enlargement surgery, all surgeries have side effects and complications. Under normal circumstances, you will recover successfully and get more sexual confidence.


Operating Doctor Cenk Melikoğlu was born in Görele, in 1978. In 2002, he graduated from Dokuz Eylül University Faculty of Medicine. Between the years of 2003 and 2010, he did his specialization in İzmir Atatürk Training and Research Hospital, Aesthetic and Plastic Surgery Clinic. In 2015, he worked as a guest lecturer in the American Hospital of Paris. When abroad, he especially focused on the transfer of free vascular lymph nodes for lymphedema treatment, in the field of microsurgery. He participated in numerous training and meetings in this area. There are more than 30 articles in the literature, which were published in national and international journals. Since 2016, he has been working in İzmir Özel Ekol ENT Hospital in Aesthetic Plastic Surgery and Cosmology Clinic. He speaks English well. He is married and has one child. His special interests are; Breast Aesthetics & Dual-Plan Method, Aesthetic nose surgery, Lymphedema surgery, Endoscopic facial stretching, Aesthetic body shaping surgery (abdominal stretching, liposuction, aesthetic breast surgery), Hair transplantation with FUE method, Migraine surgery, Gynecomastia correction, Genital aesthetics (especially penis enlargement), Lymphedema Treatment (Laser Assisted, With Microcannula Lymph Protective Method), Penis Enlargement (Length & Thickness Combined Method), Migraine Surgery (Closed Method with Scopy). He was entitled to receive the "Proficiency Certificate" by being successful in the examination, which was held by the Turkish Plastic Surgery Association in 2010. In 2015, he participated in a scientific competition by Gülhane Military Medical Academy with his study 'Saddle-nose deformity repair with micro-plate-adapted costal cartilage.’ He has won the first place in the field of surgical medicine. In 2018, he worked at Weiss Memorial Hospital in Chicago, USA for three months in April, May and June on advanced techniques on gender reassignment and penis enlargement in men. He is still continuing his academic and scientific studies.
He graduated from Eskişehir Osmangazi University Faculty of Medicine in 2008. He studied at Kaunas Medical Faculty between the years 2007 and 2008. He completed his specialization on Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Department at Afyon Kocatepe University between the years 2009 and 2014. He has 5 original articles published in national and international scientific journals, and 13 verbal and written academic papers presented in national congresses. He continues the academic studies. He received the competence certificate of Turkish Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery after his success in the exam in 2016. He did well in European Plastic Surgery Competence Written Exam that took place in Brussels in 2019. Fields of Interest: Rhinoplasty Neck lift surgery, Face lift Surgery, Otoplasty, Tummy tuck, Liposuction, Breast augmentation / reduction / mastopexy, Gynecomastia, Genital aesthetics, Blepharoplasty, Lipoedema surgery, Penis enlargement (lengthening and thickening surgery), Fat injections 
He was born in 1990 in Isparta. He studied at Ankara University Faculty of Medicine between 2008-2015. Between 2016 and 2022, he graduated from Dokuz Eylül Faculty of Medicine, Department of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery. He worked at Izmir Bozyaka EAH, Düzce Atatürk DH and Isparta City Hospital. He is a member of Izmir Medical Chamber and Plastic Surgery Association. Fields of Interest: Rhinoplasty Neck lift surgery, Face lift Surgery, Otoplasty, Tummy tuck, Liposuction, Breast augmentation / reduction / mastopexy, Gynecomastia, Genital aesthetics, Blepharoplasty, Lipoedema surgery, Penis enlargement (lengthening and thickening surgery), Fat injections 
He was born in 1987 in Trabzon. He graduated from Karadeniz Technical University Faculty of Medicine between 2008-2015. He worked as a general practitioner at Fındıklı Guatr Training and Research Hospital and Pazar State Hospital. Between 2014-2021, he received the title of plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgery specialist at İnönü University Turgut Özal Medical Center. In 2021, he worked at Bayburt State Hospital and Bergama Necla-Mithat Öztüre State Hospital in 2022. He worked in private hospitals between 2022-2023. He is a member of Izmir Medical Chamber and Plastic Surgery Association.
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