Neck Lift

The neck area is one of the most rapidly affected facial areas with aging. As a result of sagging and increased fatness, the part we call the jowl forms and no matter how young the face looks, the jowl causes us to look older than our age.

If neck aesthetics is to be performed together with a facelift, this procedure can be performed without opening another incision other than the facelift incision. If only neck aesthetics is considered and sagging is not excessive in the neck area, definite results can be obtained even with liposuction or laser liposuction.

If the muscles in the neck are relaxed and there is an increase in adipose tissue along with it, with a 3 cm incision opened just below the chin, both the fat tissue is removed, and the loosened neck muscles are stretched towards the middle line, giving the neck is given a new, desirable shape.

It’s known that time has endless beauty, but our beauty may age in this time. Therefore, to slow down neck aging and make it more aesthetic, applying some procedures such as neck lift surgery can become potential.

Neck lift surgery is one of these options to make the neck look tightened and youthful in the hands of an experienced surgeon. This goal can be achieved through the restorative procedure and adjusting the lifestyle to increase long-term results.

In this article, we will learn about neck lift and neck lift surgery, the benefits, and the whole process in detail - with pre-surgery and post-surgery instructions as well.

What is Neck Lift Surgery?

Neck lift surgery, sometimes known as platysmaplasty,  is a surgical procedure that focuses on adjusting the appearance of the neck and jowls. Neck lift surgery mostly aims for these reasons in general:

  • Neck rejuvenation to make it more youthful
  • Neck tightening
  • Removing excess fat around the neck

This procedure also helps with additional problems such as submental fullness (known as a double chin) and other muscle problems. Your surgeon will examine the skin and research your medical history to create the most beneficial neck lift surgery process for you.

Benefits of Neck Lift: Enhancing Your Neck and Jawline

Neck lift surgery offers various benefits besides enhancing your neck and jawline, such as:

  • The skin of neck tightening: Our skin loses its flexibility over time, during aging. Neck lift surgery offers to make it tighten and more detailed neck contour.
  • Slowing down neck aging: By improving the neck muscles and making them more youthful, it is possible to slow down neck aging.
  • Removing the excess fats: These fats can create unwanted situations such as submental fullness, and removing the fats is the first step to removing this problem.

In some cases, other medical procedures such as cervicoplasty may be required.

Choosing a Skilled Neck Lift Surgeon

Choosing a skilled neck lift surgeon is necessary and one of the most important steps of neck lift surgery. Because the rest of the surgery will be shaped in your surgeon's hands. Therefore, you should consider these qualifications to choose a skilled neck lift surgeon:

  • Look for the certifications and other qualifications: You can research through the websites to learn more information about these two important topics. Also, don’t forget to check about the accreditation and officiality of the clinic.
  • Experience: Look for information about the experience - the neck lift surgery experiences of your surgeon, feedback from patients, before - after pictures, etc. The experience of the surgeon demonstrates the differences between the patients and the procedure overall, etc.
Preparing for Your Neck Lift Procedure

Preparing for neck lift surgery requires some steps that need to be done. Here are some instructions that can be helpful:

  • Researching for the experienced surgeon: Having an experienced surgeon to do your surgery is essential to have successful neck lift surgery. You should look for the qualifications such as an official certificate.
  • Consultation: After choosing an experienced surgeon, you should consult about your expectations. 
  • Medical researching: Your medical history should be researched before the neck lift surgery. Some tests like blood tests or imaging are required.

Your surgeon will tell you further information in general for the preparation process and more.

Recovery and Aftercare Tips for Neck Lift Patients

After the neck lift surgery, some tips may be helpful for neck lift recovery. You can also consult your surgeon for further instructions when you’re worried.

  • Follow the post-surgery instructions provided by your surgeon: You should follow the post-surgery instructions for faster recovery. They may include some information about dressing, using neck bands, self-care, etc.
  • Medications: Your surgeon may prescribe some medications to reduce discomfort and pain. You should use them as prescribed. Your surgeon may also prescribe some gels to eliminate neck lift scars. Don’t take any medication that is suggested by others - you should use the ones that are prescribed. Be careful.
  • Moving: You should avoid doing heavy exercises and be careful about your movements, and please note that it is needed to keep your head high.
Long-Term Results: Sustaining the Effects of a Neck Lift

To sustain the effects of a neck lift, some precautions need to be taken and some tips should be applied. You can consider these tips:

  • Adjusting the lifestyle: After the neck lift surgery, adjusting your lifestyle is essential. Making changes in your diet and changing into a healthier lifestyle would be helpful. Also, you can consult for changes in your skincare routine.
  • Protect yourself from the sun: To slow down aging, avoiding the sun is needed. Therefore, don’t forget to use sunscreen to cover yourself from harmful UV lights and sunscreen.
  • Avoid smoking and alcohol: Avoiding smoking and alcohol is beneficial for skin health. To achieve the long-term results, you should stay away from them.


Operating Doctor Cenk Melikoğlu was born in Görele, in 1978. In 2002, he graduated from Dokuz Eylül University Faculty of Medicine. Between the years of 2003 and 2010, he did his specialization in İzmir Atatürk Training and Research Hospital, Aesthetic and Plastic Surgery Clinic. In 2015, he worked as a guest lecturer in the American Hospital of Paris. When abroad, he especially focused on the transfer of free vascular lymph nodes for lymphedema treatment, in the field of microsurgery. He participated in numerous training and meetings in this area. There are more than 30 articles in the literature, which were published in national and international journals. Since 2016, he has been working in İzmir Özel Ekol ENT Hospital in Aesthetic Plastic Surgery and Cosmology Clinic. He speaks English well. He is married and has one child. His special interests are; Breast Aesthetics & Dual-Plan Method, Aesthetic nose surgery, Lymphedema surgery, Endoscopic facial stretching, Aesthetic body shaping surgery (abdominal stretching, liposuction, aesthetic breast surgery), Hair transplantation with FUE method, Migraine surgery, Gynecomastia correction, Genital aesthetics (especially penis enlargement), Lymphedema Treatment (Laser Assisted, With Microcannula Lymph Protective Method), Penis Enlargement (Length & Thickness Combined Method), Migraine Surgery (Closed Method with Scopy). He was entitled to receive the "Proficiency Certificate" by being successful in the examination, which was held by the Turkish Plastic Surgery Association in 2010. In 2015, he participated in a scientific competition by Gülhane Military Medical Academy with his study 'Saddle-nose deformity repair with micro-plate-adapted costal cartilage.’ He has won the first place in the field of surgical medicine. In 2018, he worked at Weiss Memorial Hospital in Chicago, USA for three months in April, May and June on advanced techniques on gender reassignment and penis enlargement in men. He is still continuing his academic and scientific studies.
He graduated from Eskişehir Osmangazi University Faculty of Medicine in 2008. He studied at Kaunas Medical Faculty between the years 2007 and 2008. He completed his specialization on Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Department at Afyon Kocatepe University between the years 2009 and 2014. He has 5 original articles published in national and international scientific journals, and 13 verbal and written academic papers presented in national congresses. He continues the academic studies. He received the competence certificate of Turkish Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery after his success in the exam in 2016. He did well in European Plastic Surgery Competence Written Exam that took place in Brussels in 2019. Fields of Interest: Rhinoplasty Neck lift surgery, Face lift Surgery, Otoplasty, Tummy tuck, Liposuction, Breast augmentation / reduction / mastopexy, Gynecomastia, Genital aesthetics, Blepharoplasty, Lipoedema surgery, Penis enlargement (lengthening and thickening surgery), Fat injections 
He was born in 1990 in Isparta. He studied at Ankara University Faculty of Medicine between 2008-2015. Between 2016 and 2022, he graduated from Dokuz Eylül Faculty of Medicine, Department of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery. He worked at Izmir Bozyaka EAH, Düzce Atatürk DH and Isparta City Hospital. He is a member of Izmir Medical Chamber and Plastic Surgery Association. Fields of Interest: Rhinoplasty Neck lift surgery, Face lift Surgery, Otoplasty, Tummy tuck, Liposuction, Breast augmentation / reduction / mastopexy, Gynecomastia, Genital aesthetics, Blepharoplasty, Lipoedema surgery, Penis enlargement (lengthening and thickening surgery), Fat injections 
He was born in 1987 in Trabzon. He graduated from Karadeniz Technical University Faculty of Medicine between 2008-2015. He worked as a general practitioner at Fındıklı Guatr Training and Research Hospital and Pazar State Hospital. Between 2014-2021, he received the title of plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgery specialist at İnönü University Turgut Özal Medical Center. In 2021, he worked at Bayburt State Hospital and Bergama Necla-Mithat Öztüre State Hospital in 2022. He worked in private hospitals between 2022-2023. He is a member of Izmir Medical Chamber and Plastic Surgery Association.
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